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Chroniken der Dunklen Brut (DLC) Chroniken der Dunklen Brut (DLC)
Dragon Age II Dragon Age II
Dragon Age: Inquisition Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon Age: Origins Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening (Addon) Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening (Addon)
Leliana's Song (DLC) Leliana's Song (DLC)
Rückkehr nach Ostagar (DLC) Rückkehr nach Ostagar (DLC)
      Reviews Reviews
Witch Hunt (DLC) Witch Hunt (DLC)

Seite / Datum Leseprobe
You’ll visit Ostagar near the beginning of the main Dragon Age storyline, and this is where the story will twist like crazy, and send you off on your quest. For such an important place, you won’t be revisiting Ostagar unless you download the “Return to Ostagar” DLC.

Wertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
Englisch (Xbox360)
When you first played Dragon Age: Origins and watched King Cailan get his ass royally handed to him, did you feel like you wanted to linger on that particular moment? As you fought your way through the invading darkspawn hordes, did you wonder what the havoc they wreaked would look like after the fever of battle had subsided?

Wertung: D (Skala von A+ bis F)
Both gamers and industry alike are still fumbling around, circling each other, trying to figure out how the whole downloadable content situation should work. What's a reasonable price? How much should it add to the game? Shouldn't this content be in the game already? Or is it material that would otherwise never have seen the light of day?

Wertung: 4/10

Wertung: -
Return to Ostagar is the third, and latest, bit of downloadable content for BioWare's epic action/RPG Dragon Age: Origins. For around five bucks, it provides the player with a couple of hours of stand-alone content, a lot of familiar action, and some sweet loot. It also closes the book on one of the main story's unfinished chapters.

Wertung: 8.5 von 10
Englisch (Xbox360)
With the unfortunate last minute release date delay, the Return to Ostagar content had the misfortune of following in the mighty footsteps of Mass Effect 2. Had it come out with time to spare before the wicked began feasting upon their precious space cargo, it may have seen better sales.

Wertung: 6.5 von 10
Rückkehr nach Ostagar hatte es wirklich alles andere als leicht. Eigentlich sollte es noch vor Weihnachten veröffentlicht werden, allerdings entschied man sich im letzten Moment dafür, doch noch einen Erfolg beziehungsweise eine Trophäe einzubauen. Okay, damit kann man noch leben, schließlich sollte es dann am 5. Januar rauskommen. Oder auch nicht.

Wertung: 5/10
Englisch (Xbox360)
While Return to Ostagar looks great and offers up even more Dragon Age, it's still a painfully short affair that's devoid of any worthwhile character development, and probably not worth the trip for high level Grey Wardens.

Wertung: 2,5 von 5 Sternen
The newest downloadable content expansion for Dragon Age: Origins takes players back to the scene of the crime, so to speak. Return to Ostagar starts with a clue that leads back to the battlefield where King Cailan and Duncan were betrayed and fell to the Darkspawn horde, kicking off the main Dragon Age storyline.

Wertung: Must own
The first DLC pack for "Dragon Age: Origins" (not counting the ones that were packed with the game) is called "Return to Ostagar," which totally kills the surprise. You'll be heading back to the worn fortifications of once-heralded Ostagar, the site where Grey Warden Commander Duncan and King Calain fell against the Blight.

Wertung: -
Costing 400 Microsoft/BioWare points, Return to Ostagar is the first non-release day Downloadable Content for BioWare’s award winning roleplaying game, Dragon Age: Origins. Return to Ostagar allows the Grey Warden and his companions to travel back to the ruins of Ostagar and retrieve the armour of the late King Cailan.

Wertung: 7 von 10
Englisch (Xbox360)
Originally slated to release last week before being delayed, the third downloadable content pack for BioWare’s dark epic RPG Dragon Age: Origins technically still isn’t available for download. There was a bit of a hiccup Tuesday however, and a certain someone was able to download Return to Ostagar on XBox Live prematurely.

Wertung: -
While I enjoyed playing Dragon Age Origins and was looking forward to the Return to Ostagar DLC. I ended up being disappointed as I found the DLC to be short and to lack originality or innovation and to be overpriced at 400 MS Points.

Wertung: Avoid
Ironically, I just got through writing an article about how much I like Dragon Age: Origins, despite the number of things about it I dislike. Last night, I spent an hour and played through Return to Ostagar. Therein is my most striking problem. I guess I’m spoiled. When I spent 10$ on each of five DLCs for Fallout 3, I got between 5-12 hours of gameplay out of them, and plenty of replay value.

Wertung: 3/10
Englisch (Xbox360)
With promises from Bioware to support Dragon Age for two years, DLC and expansions will be far from a rarity. It’s because of this constant support that you as a gamer will need to be informed as to what DLC is worth it and what is not. Otherwise, you may end up digging quite a hole in your pocket over the next two years.

Wertung: 6/10
Englisch (Xbox360)
The latest downloadable add-on to BioWare's smash hit Dragon Age: Origins was released on January 13 for the Xbox 360 at a price of 400 Microsoft points. ($5.00) Titled Return to Ostagar, this side quest includes several pieces of new armor and weapons, along with one new Achievement.

Wertung: -